Number Systems

Number systems (Length: 1.84 GB, 8:14 minutes)

I talk about base 10, base 5, base 8, base 16 as examples of number bases.

Binary number conversions 1 (Length: 1.13 GB, 5:00 minutes)

Converting decimal to binary using two methods.

Binary number conversions 2 (Length: 870 GB, 3:47 minutes)

Converting binary to decimal.

Binary number conversions 3 (Length: 418 MB, 1:15 minutes)

Another video of converting binary to decimal.

Various shortcuts and tips (Length: 88.5 MB, 7:46 minutes)

Ways of interpreting binary numbers quickly. What if they are all 0s? What if they are all 1s? Various interesting shortcuts using powers of 2.

Binary addition (Length: 1.41 GB, 6:16 minutes)

Self-explanatory. How to add two binary numbers.

Binary numbers in canonical order (Length: 942 MB, 4:14 minutes)

How to write a sequence of binary numbers in canonical order. For example, 000 up to 111. THis would be

Hexadecimal to Binary numbers (Length: 1.84 GB, 8:14 minutes)

How to go between binary and hex quickly.

How to determine the V bit