The Answer Place

A way for professors to pose questions during class and for students to answer in real time, without embarrassment.

Here are the links to take you directly to the pages:

Professors often ask questions in class in order to keep students awake, to reinforce ideas and to gauge how much is being understood. Unfortunately, students are often reluctant to answer for a variety of reasons:

This web site allows confidential communication to occur between professors and students in the form of questions posed to the class and individual answers sent back to the professor. It is not used for private communication, however.

Students are not required to register or sign in, but anytime an answer is sent a secret 4-letter or 4-digit code must be sent as well as a way of foiling hackers who randomly post evil or offensive stuff to web sites like this. The professor will give the class the secret code. Professors use a different secret code from students as a way of validating their status as professor.

Have fun and Happy Learning!

This system can accommodate many classes at the same time. Each class should have two different secret codes: one for the students and one for the professor. Also, each class has a name or id number, which is often a 6 or 7 letter+digit string, but can be anything. The default "class" is called PLAY.

There will eventually be an administrator's page so that new classes can be created quickly and easily. A separate teacher's page will be made ready soon.

Controller's page