Chapter 23

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  1. Investigate the need and motivation for networking computers together
  2. Learn a little bit about the history of networking, protocols and the Internet
  3. Learn about how bits are transmitted over a wire and several ways to counteract errors using clever encoding schemes
  4. Learn about packets, the fundamental "chunk" of information sent between computers
  5. Learn about protocols and protocol suites and how they make it easier to connect computers from different vendors
  6. Get itnroduced to TCP/IP
  7. Learn about connectionless and connection-oriented transmission
  8. Investigate how a connection can be made almost error-free
  9. Differentiate between wide area networks (WANs) and local area networks (LANs)
  10. Learn a little bit about Ethernet and token-ring
  11. List some of the more common network topologies
  12. Learn how computers are addressed in a network, including the Internet
  13. Learn how routing is used to get messages and packets to their final destination even if there is no direct connection between the two computers
  14. Make connections between networks, buses and parallel computers

This chapter is self-contained, although the workings of buses (Chapter 16) are relevant. Topology is mentioned in chapter 20 (parallel computers) as well.